Saturday, January 07, 2006

Will Asad Fall?

The blog Hunna Syria remarks on how the Baath Party flag has been taken down in front of some ministries, leaving only the Syria flag flying. Flying the Syrian flag without other embellishments has become the norm during the past several months. Even posters and images of the President are surprisingly absent. In Hafiz's day, it would have been the "struggling leader" whose image would have been brandished and displayed throughout Syria in times of crisis. No longer. The Syrian flag is accompanied by the words: "God protect Syria." Bashar has decided to go with "God and Country," rather than the cult of personal or party leadership. Asadism is out. Patriotism is in.

In this time when the international community and Bashar's opponents, such as Khaddam and the Muslim Brotherhood, are trying to distinguish between the house of Asad and the nation, this is a smart move. By championing God and country Bashar trying to undercut this attempt to drive a wedge between him and the people. We will see if it works. All the same it is a welcome development, for Syria has too long suffered from a lack of "Syrianism" and too much "Arabism." Perhaps an unintended benefit of Syria's crisis will be to create a real debate about what is good for Syria and not the quasi-mythic Arab world or its leaders, who have for so long sought to confuse their own interests with those of the nation.

Asad has begun to denounce Khaddam personally. He denied once again that he had threatened Hariri before he was killed, saying":

"I wish to say here that no one joined us in the last meeting between me and Hariri, so where did these allegations come from?"
Assad accused Khaddam of scheming against Syria before resigning in June and also hinted that, as president of Syria, he would be immune from questioning by a team investigating Hariri's February assassination. Assad said Syria had previously voiced its readiness to cooperate with the probe if the request had a "legal basis". When the committee was first established, Asad said, Syria had invited the committee "to visit Damascus and to sign a protocol ... to outline the mechanism for dealing with Syria at all levels".

Meanwhile, Khaddam met with Mehlis' team in Paris to testify on the Hariri murder. That should be worrying to Asad. Khaddam will be able to air much of Asad's dirty laundry, even if he wasn't privy to the plotting against his friend Hariri.

The internal Syrian opposition, as opposed to the external opposition, is distancing itself from Khaddam. Michel Kilo, Yasin Hajj Salih and the director Omar Amiralay have all suggested that Khaddam has no place in a democratic Syria. Khaddam's credibility is zero as a democrat, reformer, or clean politician. That has not kept much of the external opposition from welcoming him to their company. Khaddam has announced that he welcomes the opposition to join him. The pissing match between Khaddam and the opposition has already begun, as Bashar's opponents jockey for position among themselves.

Michel Aoun questions Khaddam allegations. He said there were many things that needed explaining after Khaddam's recent allegations.

"In an interview with USA Today on February 16 of last year, two days after Hariri was assassinated, Khaddam said that Israel murdered Rafik Hariri," Aoun recalled. "But, either way, when Khaddam said this he was in Syria and now he is in France and many things have changed since then."

The FPM leader also commented on Khaddam's claim that Lebanon's intelligence apparatus supplied Syria with falsified reports about Hariri, which the Syrians believed. "The instigations against Lahoud started in 2000," Aoun said, "which was the same time when Khaddam left his post in the Syrian authority. Was he still able to monitor the reports coming from Beirut?"

In contrast to Aoun, I do not think we should doubt that Lahoud and Hariri were already locked in battle in June 2000 before Dr. Bashar came to power. I wrote earlier (see half-way down the post)that Lahoud reportedly told Bashar, shortly before Hafiz died, that Hariri, Junblat and possibly Khaddam were working to keep him from succeeding Hafiz al-Asad. This provoked Bashar to stimulate the three al-Hayat articles of mid-June 2000 that claimed that there was "an alliance of corruption" in Beirut. This article deeply worried Hariri and Khaddam, because they saw it as a clear indication that Bashar would champion Lahoud against them.

Here is what I wrote on January 1:

The power struggle between Khaddam and Bashar began before he became president. The first overt sign of the power struggle revealed itself before Hafiz al-Asad died. In the weeks leading up to Bashar's father's death, Hariri and Junblat working with Khaddam, Shihabi and possibly Kanaan seem to have been plotting to push Bashar aside and eliminate the house of Asad from power.

The specifics of this are not clear, but evidently this is what Bashar was told by Lahoud and others who visited him from Lebanon. This news convinced Bashar to attack Shihabi, who was the weak link among his opponents. Shihabi was accused of corruption in a story leaked to al-Hayat only a week or so before Hafiz's death on the 10th of June 2000. A few days later a follow-up story was printed in al-Hayat, claiming that an "alliance of corruption" had been detected in Lebanon. Hariri was implicated and so were others. It was impossible not to associate Khaddam and Kanaan with this alliance, for they had been the architects of Syria’s Lebanon policy. Shihabi, who was in AUB hospital at the time, fled to the United States as soon as he could. Following Khaddam's purge from the state, he moved to France. When his retirement was officially announced at the Bath Party conference of June 2005, he openly with Foreign Minister Sharaa about who had been responsible for losing Lebanon. Both Khaddam and Shihabi were rumored to be plotting against Bashar in Paris. Kanaan's suicide was announced shortly following the spread of these rumors making it hard not to link the three men in a possible conspiracy against the regime. The women at Kanaan’s funeral in his hometown of Bahamra chanted that they wanted the “truth.” Few believed his suicide was voluntary. Perhaps it was connected to Khaddam’s and Shihabi’s presence in Paris and the on-going Mehlis investigation, or it may simply have been a precautionary purge by a regime that felt it could take no chances, Kanaan being the last of the old guard in a position to organize from within the state system.

Bashar had been told by his father that in order to rule Syria, he had first to rule Lebanon. It would seem that Bashar took this fatherly advice to heart. Right from the beginning of his tenure, Bashar sought to cut the Gordian knot of money and personal connections that linked Riyadh, Beirut and Damascus together in a triangle of graft and influence. The old guard members who had overseen and nurtured the construction of this triangle over the 30 years of Syrian rule in Lebanon, believed they could direct affairs of state in Syria – preferably with Bashar in nominal power, but without him if necessary.

From 2000 on the main power-struggle in Syria was between the young president and his vice-president, Abdul Halim Khaddam. Bashar moved precipitously in 2000 to support Salim al-Hoss for Prime-Minister against Hariri. His effort failed because Khaddam and Kanaan outfoxed him and demonstrated their superior control of events. Hariri had become too important in Lebanon to be denied the position of Prime Minister. Bashar was forced to write off his failure to overthrow Hariri as an indication of his benevolence and intent not to interfere in Lebanese affairs. He claimed a new page had been turned in Syrian-Lebanese relations and that Syria would allow Lebanon more freedom. Bashar, however, was only biding his time. He needed to consolidate his position further inside Syria before he could move more forcefully against Kanaan and Khaddam, which would ease the way toward eventually pushing aside Hariri and Junblat. In his eyes, they were all of a piece. He moved Kanaan out of Lebanon in 2003 and whittled away at Khaddam’s authority little by little, moving his people out of ministries and, in particular, out of the relevant security agencies.
The Saudis are divided over how far to back Khaddam and whether to push for regime change in Syria. The word is that King Abdullah wants regime change, but he doesn’t want sanctions to be placed on Syria for fear that they will drive the people closer to Bashar. Amir Sultan does not want regime-change, but prefers gradual change so as not to create more instability in the region.

Robert Rabil, writing for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy argues that Khaddam's defection is the sign of real troubles within the Asad regime, which may bring about eventual regime-change. He reads it as a sign that the Sunni - Alawi alliance, which has been the back bone of the regime, is breaking up and that Bashar is relying ever more exclusively one family and fellow Alawi associates.

I think this is wishful thinking, although the Muslim Brothers and other Sunni opponents of the regime have been quick to welcome Khaddam to their struggle. Yes, Khaddam is Sunni and influential. He certainly angled in the past to increase Sunni power in Damascus, both by developing the Riyadh - Beirut alliance that he so carefully cultivated by promoting Hariri, as well as by wooing the Sunni tribal members and ex-Baathists of Iraq. By promoting Sunni power and influence in neighboring governments, Khaddam believed he would promote Sunni power in Syria. This was a sound strategy, which has been dealt a big blow by his ouster.

But does Khaddam's defection also mean the destruction of Bashar's link to the Sunni community? I don't think so. Most Sunnis will wave good bye to Khaddam with few tears. He was from Banyas and not Damascus. He was not from an old Damascene family or "ibn A'iley" which for many Damascenes means he was never one of them. Yes, his son married an Atasi - good job. But that doesn't give Khaddam an immediate in.

Rabil suggests that the retirement of Mustafa Tlas, another ex-Defense Minister and old guard Sunni (He is Damascene), also riled Damascenes and undercut Sunni support for the regime. But Rabil doesn't mention that Tlas' two influential sons, Firas, the businessman, and Manaf, the military man, are both close to the President. Manaf is particularly close. President Asad has cultivated his own Sunni allies, who he is bringing up to replace the old-guard Sunnis that bunched around Khaddam and other old guard figures.

Bashar is well known among Alawi circles for being less "confessional" than his father was. This is undoubtedly a product of his having been brought up in Damascus rather than Latakia. As early as 2000, he drew up a list of 400 people who he believed could be brought into the ranks of the government to energize the regime and provide a new base for his rule. Many of them were Sunnis and not a few have been brought along.

We are seeing a contradiction in Bashar's methods, however. Unlike his father, who, early in his rule, established a small group of loyal allies to whom he remained faithful for 30 years, Bashar has circulated people at the top and in government with frequent cabinet changes and reshuffles of security personnel. Some of this has been done to ease out the old-guard without making it look like a purge, but mostly it is because Bashar is different from his father and did not come to power with a ready-made clique of fellow conspirators. Ironically, this may require him to rely ever more closely on his family ties to provide security during the present crisis and showdown with Khaddam. But it also means that he has been able to promote many outsiders into positions of authority without letting them own their offices. This may prove a security weakness, because it does not ensure absolute loyalty in the face of external pressure.

But it may also prove to be strength in the long run. By circulating more people in and out of power, he may broaden his alliance with the Sunnis and other groups in Syrian society because he will be able to give more people a chance at the top. It may also help prevent the development of encrusted, long-term graft and patronage, epitomized by Khaddam's thirty years at the top.


At 1/07/2006 04:04:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Well, hoepfully this whole gang will be ousted.

Khadam power struggle with Bashar is a myth. Khadam is nothing. He will still be nothing anyway.

But his so called defection after he ate all the meals is good for the country, ad good to oust this gang at last!

At 1/07/2006 04:59:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

At 1/07/2006 05:35:00 PM, Blogger t_desco said...

I think I found evidence that Khaddam is lying.

In the Newsweek interview, Khaddam claims to have told President Asad: "How can you use that kind of language, especially in front of junior Syrian generals?" (the context suggests that he is referring to "Ghazi Kanaan, Rustom Ghazaleh, and Mohammed Khalouf").

Yesterday Khaddam repeated the claim on RTL: "Un jour, Bachar a convoqué Rafic Hariri en présence d'officiers de sécurité et il l'a rudoyé."

As quoted above, President Asad told Al-Osboa: "I wish to say here that no one joined us in the last meeting between me and Hariri, so where did these allegations come from?"

In the first Mehlis report, none of the witnesses (including Rafik Hariri himself) mentions the humiliating presence of "junior Syrian generals" at the meeting.

This strongly suggests that Khaddam is lying.

At 1/07/2006 05:40:00 PM, Blogger adonis syria said...

Mustafa Tlas, another ex-Defense Minister and old guard Sunni (He is Damascene)

He is not damascene but from a Village near Homs,Rastan.

Your fervor to defend the family regime and your repeated insult against the dignity of the syrian people make your opinion dubious...we the syrian people, deserve to be proud citizens of Syria not servants of the evil asad house.
It's a dreadful shame;Mr Landis.

At 1/07/2006 05:50:00 PM, Blogger adonis syria said...

t desco ,here is the answer :

Well, according to Reuters, an Egyptian journal will be running an interview with Bashar on Monday in which he denounces Khaddam’s stands and refutes his accusations.

In the interview Bashar asserts that he never threatened Hariri and he says that no one attended the last meeting between them. But it should be noted here that the meeting to which Khaddam had referred was not the last meeting between the two men but an earlier one. Khaddam made this very clear in his interview with al-Arabiya.
(Ammar Abdelhamid's blog

At 1/07/2006 05:53:00 PM, Blogger Ghassan said...

Boy Asad is following the steps that Saddam followed: relying on family members and close friends who will get rid of them as asson as they are not needed!

Surrounding the president with "Yes man" will not save the mafia regime. Actually it will speed up its destruction! Look what happenned to Saddam!

So, my advice to the Syrian people is to get ready to kick out the dictator out of his palace. You rather be liberated by yourself than by outsiders. I wish you luck and I hope that there will not be long before you will be free!

At 1/07/2006 06:02:00 PM, Blogger Dr Victorino de la Vega said...

Well, as Professor Marshall McLuhan used to say “THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE”….

And the main medium here is Al-‘Arabiyya, and to a lesser extent France’s Channel 3 (“FR3”), which by the way is no coincidence: FR3 TV is 100% owned by the French government and has always been a subservient mouthpiece for President Chirac and his overtly pro-Saudi foreign policy.

As for Al-‘Arabiyya, well it’s clearly NOT some kind of “disinterested beacon of intellectual objectivity” beaming rays of investigative journalism into the barren Soviet-style Syrian steppes… This satellite TV station is owned by Sheikh Walid Ali Ibrahim, a brother-in-law of Saudi Arabia's late King Fahd, and a notorious rightwing Wahhâbi Islamist who once said in a TV interview that “Christians are the descendants of dogs and swine”. Mr. Ibrahim is also a significant shareholder of Saudi Oger SA, a French-Saudi joint-venture….and the main investment vehicle for Rafiq Hariri’s real estate and construction ventures in Beirut and Riyadh.

As for comrade Khaddâm, in a highly ironic twist of fate, he is now widely described by the Harirista Amen corner (from Al-Nahar to Al-LBC) as “a changed man in search of democratic redemption” [sic] and the living embodiment of Syro-Lebanese friendship!

An ethereal friendship albeit cemented by feudal intermarriages [Dalloul + Hariri] cum shared spoils of crooked government tenders between 1991 and 2003 [Dalloul + Hariri + Khaddâm]: as the French say, these days one can’t just live off friendship and fresh water.

In 1989, when Khaddâm, Fahd, and Hariri engineered the collaborationist Taef “agreement” using a deadly mix of Wahhâbi dollars and Syrian menaces to sway hesitant Christian and Shiite lawmakers, a famous Paris-based Lebanese exile said the following:
“In a way, I can understand Khaddâm: the man is a thug but at least he works for his country…as for Hariri, well he’s just an amateur politician who thinks that he can succeed by collaborating with the enemy". In many ways, Jûnieh MP Raymond Eddé was speaking highly prescient words...

The “truth” (to use Harirista vocab) is that Khaddâm hasn’t changed at all: he’s still a subsidized thug, a war criminal and a Soviet-trained LIAR, the only real “change” being of course that he has suddenly transferred his feudal allegiance to a much more lethal master…

At the end of the day, I guess it all boils down to the fact that if you’ve chosen to be a corrupt hit man for some totalitarian Ayyrab regime, well you might as well go for the well heeled one: Saudi Arabia!

TW. Wahhâbi : a member of a fanatical Islamist sect founded in Arabia in the 18th century and revived by the Al-Saud family in the 20th century (synonyms: Neo-Hambali, Islamo-fascist).

Collaborationism: the advocacy or practice of collaboration with the enemy.


Dr Victor de la Vega

At 1/07/2006 06:50:00 PM, Blogger t_desco said...

adonis syria,

the Nouvel Observateur confirms that Khaddam was talking about the meeting in August 2004:
"L'ex-numéro deux syrien a répété jeudi 5 janvier que Bachar el-Assad avait convoqué Rafic Hariri à Damas en août 2004 et l'avait gravement menacé. Après cet entretien, le président syrien lui a dit avoir "mis en garde" Rafic Hariri: "quiconque ira contre mes décisions, je l'écraserai", aurait menacé Bachar el-Assad, selon des propos rapportés par Khaddam.
Lorsque la question de savoir si "écraser" signifiait "tuer" lui a été posée, il a répondu: "Que signifie écraser? Ecraser avec 1.000 kilos d'explosifs.""

At 1/07/2006 07:08:00 PM, Blogger Dr Victorino de la Vega said...

t_desco mio,

Did you get this reliable piece of Saudi-sponsored infomercial from the famous chief-inspector Clouseau of Surete Generale??

Just wandering....

At 1/07/2006 07:16:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said... is saying that Syria has defintely refused the UN suggestion to meet with Bashar or Sharraa.

I will add that Syria should get the hell of the UN as well. What the heck are we doing there anyway?

Swiss stayed out of the UN for so long and it was doing fine.

At 1/07/2006 07:20:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Ecraser as in Crush...hopefully Khadanm will be crushed.

Hope his head will be crushed the Islamic Sunni way / cut off.

At 1/07/2006 07:21:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

According to the Sunni Shariaa law, Khadam should have his two hands chopped. He is a thief.

At 1/07/2006 08:12:00 PM, Blogger adonis syria said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 1/07/2006 08:14:00 PM, Blogger adonis syria said...

It was reported that asef-bushra were desperately loocking for a deal in Paris to ensure their future...
The reason is known,the syrians who amassed a hidden hatred during 35 years will propably not forgive.

At 1/07/2006 08:18:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Is it possible that Asef screwed this family of Assad ? Is it possible that he was so smart that he made the new so called Guard reverse everything Hafez did? If you listen to Shabbaam, you would think you are living in a pre "correction movement" era.

At 1/07/2006 08:24:00 PM, Blogger EHSANI2 said...

Of all the differences between the west and Arab world two that stand out the most are transparency and accountability. You need to find out President Bush’s salary? Simply Goggle it. You will find out not only his salary but also his allowable expense account. You will also find of course the salary of the Vice P resident, majority leader, speaker of the house, chief justice of the country’s supreme court or any other Government official.
A number of these officials are independently wealthy when they enter office. But wealthy or not, they have to submit their tax returns as well their net worth prior to serving in a public office. Were a judge, Senator, Vice President or even a President to buy a $ xx Million home, boat or car, he has to ensure that he can explain to every interested civilian how he was able to make any of these particular purchases given his salary.

Let us contrast this with our Arab world. I challenge anyone to tell us what Basher’s salary is. The current events have forced the issue of course. How can the Vice President amass such wealth? What was his salary? Just imagine a U.S., French or German official coming to Government from a small town only to leave his job $1.2 Billion richer.
If no one dared question or ask questions of the Vice President, can you imagine asking about the President’s financial net worth or that of his immediate family? If the Vice president was allowed to accumulate $1.2 Billion, can you just imagine the number that the Assad clan has accumulated? Rumors have it that when Basel died unexpectedly, he did not have any co-signers on his Swiss accounts. Those same rumors claim that the number was $ 12 Billion. Is this number too high, or too low? Who knows? No free press, Emergency laws and ruthless security services. Who would dare ask these questions? I write on Dr. Landis’s site and pray that I am safe and that the extremely efficient security officials will not meet me when I next set foot at Damascus Airport. If I feel this way while I sit outside the country, can you imagine how my fellow countrymen from the inside feel? Would anyone dare ask such questions? No way. It is much safer and easier to clap for the President while extolling his courage, education, vision and intellect. Arabs hate to be humiliated. As Syrians watch what is happening to their country and President they feel humiliated. This is the only explanation for why they keep rallying around their president and against the U.S. who is seen as orchestrating his downfall.

With no transparency or accountability, every Government official, judge, vice President and President will continue to steal and stuff his bank accounts with Billions. Before Bashar, it was the team of Khaddam/Kanaan that made Billions from Lebanon. Bashar arrived on the scene and decided that this gold mine is better kept in the family. Out goes the Khaddam/Kanaan team and in come the Bashar/Maher/Rami/Lahoud and his son team. Now Khaddam is pissed. Assuming power in the Middle East is not about serving in a public office. This is the land of tribes with flags. You get to office with the power of the gun. You stay in power using the power the gun. You and your tribe become Billionaires with the power of the gun. Power is so absolute that to expect otherwise is to engage in fantasy. Ladies and Gentlemen, shame on us. We have zero input into electing our presidents. We have no idea how much they earn. We see their direct family members make Billions. Serving the people of Syria this is not. Serving their Swiss accounts is what it is all about. Shame on them and shame on us for clapping to them

At 1/07/2006 09:30:00 PM, Blogger Syrian Republican Party said...

Shame on you. You are the one hiding behing a fake name at

Let me ask you, if you are not willing to risk being recognized abroad asking a fair question, why you think that Syrians should in Syria.

The fact is, you are not Syrian, becasuse no Syrian will shame us and ask this question.

At 1/07/2006 09:37:00 PM, Blogger EHSANI2 said...

I shame you, myself and the other 20 million Syrians.

At 1/07/2006 09:38:00 PM, Blogger Metaz K. M. Aldendeshe said...

I am not sure if Khaddam has changed much. He is still relying on old Soviet-Communist tricks that was adopted and to this day relied on in Baathist Syria. If anyone here that was around in the 50’s and 60’s, you will remember from news history how these Soviet backed, Communists, Socialists, workers and peasants revolutions and insurgencies, used to always end by negotiated agreement for the old rulers to share in the new government led by the revolutionaries on a temporarily basis, awaiting for election to be held. Almost on every case, the revolutionaries ended up using that period to organize the masses and the armed unit, then oust the old system and proclaim the birth of the New Socialist Republic that is lead by the Democratic Revolutionary. Of course elections never came in ever, just brutal Trotskyism Mukhabrat System. The Revolutionary thugs simply, raped the women, the country and the treasuries, some, were ousted in year or Two, some made it the Seventies and some like Khaddam’s and his Baath party still around, one of very few left around and of course the countries are the poorest and the Billionaires are the Khaddams.

So this new scam that Khaddam is promoting now and I see that this Moslem Brotherhood leader Ali Sadr Aldin Al Bayanooni (looks like a Shia running the Sunni MB) is also making the same remarks on MB site.

Khaddam suggesting getting the Syrian masses onto the streets and he is suggesting (cunningly) the formation of a temporary Government in exile and to rule until elections are held in the country. By temporarily, he means 30 years or maybe handing out the presidency only to his 2 eldest sons. That is all, very short period of time. Just like the Baathists used to say in the 50’s.

We are way too smart for this scam. Khaddam, will need to form a representative government, that will represent all the interested parties and personalities right from the start. This will not be a temporarily government, but a government that will actually take control of the country for the first Seven years. It must have a Constitution, a Senate, an Agenda, a Platform and a program that must be agreed on by the Senate in exile and voted for by the Millions of Syrians abroad and if possible internally. This can be accomplished using all kinds of modern means and method. This will secure the Syrian Nation from those that are plotting again to rob it from it’s right to freedom and liberty, democracy, economic, social salvation and development by who else Egypt and Saudi Arabia among a host of other nations and people that each has own selfish interest it wants accomplished that is on no interest and or not to the interests of the Syrian Nation.

At 1/07/2006 09:57:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...


I do not see why you keep attacking Ehsani2? I am puzzled. He expresses his opinion, and you don;t have to agree with it. Whether he is Syria or not, this should not matter. I participate on issues related to humanity anywhere they might be. Yet, I believe he is Syrian, and I share with him the shame that a gang of "rich civilians, together with poor soldiers" rapped the country, stole its wealth, and oppressed most people who could not do a thing, because this gang played on all the inherited sicknesses of the Syrian people, and promoted the wicked while putting down the educated, the honest and the sincere Syrians. This gang succeeded in passing over 160 billion dollars of Syrian wealth to certain families, mainly the Assads, Makhloufs, Khadams, Duba, Tlas, and so on.


At 1/07/2006 10:11:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

And that is without mentioning any of the Traders fanilies, who are partners with the political and military figures, such as the Akads, the Hadayas, and the Aiedis.

At 1/07/2006 10:11:00 PM, Blogger EHSANI2 said...

A man gets to power through a military coup. He then rules for 30 years with an iron fist. He allows his clan, friends and associates a free hand to plunder and steal as they wish so long as they don’t question his authority. He decides that his first son will be his successor only to see him suffer a premature death. What to do now? Simply go down to the second son. Khaddam thought that he was more qualified than the young 34 year old and therefore he was more deserving of the job. The iconic President had other ideas of course. Knowing that his young man needs a tough sponsor to defend him, he accepted his son-in-law into the family knowing how much help he can be to the future President.
The Syrian people’s representatives then only take one hour to amend the country’s constitution to make room for the young man. Five years into his presidency, the Syrian people have been lied to about reforms and about fighting corruption. Five years of humiliation for this proud nation. Five years of the biggest fraud and theft that any modern country has been subjected to. Shame on us and shame on the international community for allowing this to take place while the Syrian people fall behind. Khaddam’s dirty laundry is now out in the open. He will, in turn, spell the beans on Bashar and his clan. One cannot but help think that this long fraudulent play has entered its last chapter. The curtains are very close to coming down on this ugly and shameful play. If not now, then when?

At 1/07/2006 10:17:00 PM, Blogger Ghassan said...

Good for you JAM and ehsani2! Keep on posting your opinion and ignore the ignorants!

At 1/07/2006 10:57:00 PM, Blogger EHSANI2 said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 1/07/2006 11:04:00 PM, Blogger ghassan said...

I find the first paragraph of the current post in SyriaComment to be an interesting development if true. To either revoke , eliminate or stop the practice of relying on inflating "cult of personality" would in itself not be extremly important except for the fact that it implies a 180 degree shift in at least the tactics. Could it be that the Ba'ath all of a sudden came to the realization that there aren't as many dumb sheep in the Syrian populace?

I personally do not see yet any evidence , besides that of relative scarcity of pictures of Bashar, that the suggested shift has occured.The chants by 100% !!!! of the Syrian representatives still rings in my ears: "With our blood, with our soul, We sacrifice for you Bashar". Such a chant, for any person, but in particular one with such an irremarkable record is shameful.

At 1/07/2006 11:11:00 PM, Blogger EHSANI2 said...

There are four kinds of people who support this President and this regime:

1- Those who benefit monetarily from the system
2- Those who are too chauvinistically nationalistic and therefore are willing to give the regime a pass no matter what.
3- Those who are ignorant.
4- Those who love the country as is and don’t want to see it change from the current status quo as they view the alternative to be worse. Dr. Landis falls in this group. I must admit that my fear of Islamic Fanatics and the Brotherhood taking over one day does give me great cause for concern. This group “may” steal less but they are sure to destroy what remains of civil and individual liberties.

At 1/07/2006 11:15:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Retarded people governed Syria, and I mean mentally retarded. Hafez Assad and his asscoiates. Even his son, though they said he was taking down statues and pictures did not do so at all. Syria is still full of Statues if his sick father, and pictures of the whole damn family.

At 1/08/2006 12:14:00 AM, Blogger ActiveListener said...

I am trying to decide whether ehsani2's categories 2 and 3 are overlapping or should be merged.

And "ignorant" here certainly does not mean stupid. It is more about having enough information to compare and know how to think about things when you have lived for decades in an environment of disinformation and distrust. It could also be about hostages bonding with their captors.

Wouldn't those in category 2 also feel chauvinistic nationalist pride if they had internationally respected leadership, a healthy economy and a society not choked by fear, lies and corruption?

Those who don't want to know this and still carry on with their support are probably hoping to become members of category 1.

At 1/08/2006 04:53:00 AM, Blogger t_desco said...

I see that there were two meetings in August, the first on August 18 and the second on August 26.

This means that Khaddam is not confirming what was said in the meeting on August 26, but he is making entirely new accusations about threats in the meeting on August 18.

Interestingly, those alleged threats (detailed by Khaddam as: "Ecraser avec 1.000 kilos d'explosifs") did not prevent Hariri from returning to Damascus just 8 days later.

At 1/08/2006 06:27:00 AM, Blogger t_desco said...

More confusion:

It turns out that the meeting on August 18 was between Khaddam and Asad, not between Hariri and Asad.

Khaddam: "With regards to extending Lahoud's term in office, I met President Bashar al-Assad on 18 August 2004 to bid him farewell before I went on leave abroad."

Ammar Abdulhamid is wrong when he writes writes:
"The assassination took place within climax of distrust and animosity towards Hariri, including threats by Rustom Ghazale and tough talk by the President himself on August 18, 2004."

Khaddam says that the "harsh words" were uttered "months before" the last meeting on August 26:

"[Qunaybir] You are talking about the brief encounter between him and President Bashar al-Assad?

[Khaddam] No, I am talking about an episode that took place months before that encounter, months before the extension [of Lebanese President Emile Lahoud's term in office]. He was made to hear extremely harsh words. I learned of this from the president."

The Nouvel Observateur interview quoted above is obviously wrong. It would be interesting to see a complete transcript.

At 1/08/2006 07:54:00 AM, Blogger majedkhaldoon said...

khaddam has no credibility among ,syrians , and the opposition are welcoming him, this indicate weakness of the opposition rather than strength
Mustapha Tlass is not from Damascus, How could Mr. Landis make such mistake, he is hated in Damascus, people say he loves women,money and he was a spporter of assad family, he is from a city north of Homs.
the revolution in 1963 was anti Damascus revolution.
as far as Khaddam he has no power, and certainly he can do nothing from Paris, as he could do nothing while he was in syria, and had power, he will be forgotten within few months.
to depend on the people from Damascus to revolt is nonsence,to have a military man stage a coup, he will need foreign support,the Hariri investigation, will humiliate the syrian regime,and sanction ,if cause economic trouble, will cause angry in syria, ,this could be the match that will cause fire

At 1/08/2006 09:37:00 AM, Blogger EHSANI2 said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 1/08/2006 10:38:00 AM, Blogger annie said...

Says Ehsani :

Of all the differences between the west and Arab world two that stand out the most are transparency and accountability. You need to find out President Bush’s salary? Simply Goggle it."

And you think that this is it ? What about illegal contributions, kick backs from Haliburton etc? Does google list them ? Of course, there can always be an investigative reporter digging up the truth.

As for Syria and although a foreigner, I belong to category 4 but not to the point of wanting status quo; so many Syrians are living from hand to mouth that radical change could be a catastrophy.
My bet is reform with Bashar.

At 1/08/2006 11:06:00 AM, Blogger Vox Populi - Agent Provocateur said...

It is funny how the Baath is copying the techniques of the March 14 demonstration.

At 1/08/2006 11:06:00 AM, Blogger ugarit said...

As an expatriate syrian I was wondering if there is an attempt by any NGO's to propogate ideas of democracy, liberty, etc?

Syrians need to be made aware that democracy is not the solution to all problems but that it is a continually evolving system which needs to be nurtured.

The internet is a tool in this but very few syrians have access to it.

How about we start a tv station called Syrian Democracy TV? :-)

At 1/08/2006 11:14:00 AM, Blogger Vox Populi - Agent Provocateur said...

Remember that Saddam never intended to narrow his base. But he was forced to do that due to external and internal factors. Bashar is doing the same. Putting Sunnis at mid-level position doesn't mean anything; the only important position are the top security jobs.

At 1/08/2006 11:32:00 AM, Blogger Syrian Republican Party said...

Syrian Democracy TV. Got the Cash to spare, 2 million. Would Khaddam depart with this miniscule amount of his assets to set up that Democracy for Syria TV? That will be the real test if he is for that, wouldnt be?

That will educate the masses but will not resolve the problem. Because educating the masses is not the solver. It is the pre-solver to the problem.

By the way, it has been more than 2 years that we requested this support from the U.S. State Department and were declined.

At 1/08/2006 11:42:00 AM, Blogger ugarit said...

"By the way, it has been more than 2 years that we requested this support from the U.S. State Department and were declined."

By making that request you diminish its message immediately and the SRP's. This should be done by expat syrians' financing.

The channel should not be anti-regime per se, but should be always pro-democracy, pro-civil-rights, pro-human-rights, pro-libralism.

The US form of democracy should be not the one syrians should pursue.

At 1/08/2006 11:46:00 AM, Blogger Alawites for Syria said...

The Syrians are educated, they are not like those backward Lebanese and Iraqis. There are several Arab Networks station been broadcasting for years to Syria. That did not make a difference. What they need is International support and enforcement of human rights first and foremost, then the means to internally make the change. Leaders, Amo and Cash.

At 1/08/2006 11:58:00 AM, Blogger Syrian Republican Party said...

SRP is members funded for decades and have exhusted it's means. Most Syrian expats are not politically active and scared. Since Sep 11, ther is a big Worry about providing financing or being part of any Middle Eastern group, unless it is sanctioned or at least offcially supported by the United States government publicly, either through official statements or act of Congress, preferably both.

You are taking theoratically, not real world, using past actual experiences.

As to diminishing the messege or SRP. Sorry, it is a fact that we are based in America. We are proud of our American experience and enjoy life in America. It is clear that altough we support the vision of the United State and in particular the Bush Middle East Initiative, we do not support the Bush administration policies and inplementation of those goals, most importantly, how they are implemented.

At 1/08/2006 12:13:00 PM, Blogger ugarit said...

I was wondering if the Syrian expats really understand what democracy is?

SRP: please tell me what is SRP's vision for Syria?

BTW, you should switch to as a content management system for The current one is not user friendly. Look at to see drupal in action. It's free , btw.

Since most of the site is in images none of the search engines find the "text".

At 1/08/2006 12:15:00 PM, Blogger ugarit said...

sorry that should be

Is SRP's vision a progressive one?

At 1/08/2006 12:39:00 PM, Blogger Dr Victorino de la Vega said...


Sunday, January 8 2006
“12 Marines Killed in Helicopter Crash Near Fallujah”

One might recall that Fallujah used to be a peaceable and sleepy provincial town where Sunnis, Christians, and Shiites lived in relative harmony…that was long long time ago, before the US Government decided to teach “Ayyrab terrorists” a lesson they would never forget: In November 2004, George W. Bush launched Operation Al-Fajr ("The Dawn" in Arabic), also known as Operation Phantom Fury, a joint U.S.-Iraqi offensive against “rebel strongholds” in the city of Fallujah. The Pentagon called it "some of the heaviest urban combat Marines have been involved in since Hue City in Vietnam in 1968."

While listening to the latest wave of robotic Neocon platitudes churned out by the US military’s PR and Information Management Department, I remembered the words of a famous 19th century American philosopher of Gallic descent who once said the following of brainwashed pseudo-patriots:

“Now, what are they? Men at all? or small movable forts and magazines, at the service of some unscrupulous man in power?...Visit the Navy Yard, and behold a marine, such a man as an American government can make, or such as it can make a man with its black arts—a mere shadow and reminiscence of humanity, a man laid out alive and standing, and already, as one may say, buried under arms with funeral accompaniments…

…The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as machines, with their bodies. They are the standing army, and the militia, jailers, constables, posse comitatus etc. In most cases there is no free exercise whatever of the judgment or of the moral sense”

Truly, Thoreau’s prose was prescient in many ways…

At 1/08/2006 01:37:00 PM, Blogger Orontes Defense Technologies Corporation said...

We have received several reports of inability to access the site ( anyone here having this problem? can someone explain this "Unknown" on the 17th. hop please on a trace route report for

16 * 55 51 51 ms [+0ms] AS0
IANA-RSVD-0 0 miles [+0] 241 US [Router did not respond]

17 * * * 61 ms [+9ms]
[Unknown] [Unknown - Firewall did not respond] 0 miles [+0]

18 61 * * 61 ms [+0ms] AS0
[Reached Destination] 0 miles [+0] 114 US [Router did not respond]

At 1/08/2006 02:53:00 PM, Blogger ugarit said...

I can access via Washington, DC.

Use and select different parts of the world to determine where it is occuring from

At 1/08/2006 02:54:00 PM, Blogger ActiveListener said...

Annie said: "So many Syrians are living from hand to mouth that radical change could be a catastrophy."

That's the BIGGEST truth.

Economic catastrophy is already a daily reality for even the best educated and hardest working Syrians.

A wounded person will be the most afraid of further injury.

At 1/08/2006 03:09:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

So, the question remains: Will Assad fall?

Indeed he will fall.

The question should be: what is going to happen with his fall?

At 1/08/2006 03:14:00 PM, Blogger ugarit said...

The Syrian Democratic Party shall be arriving soon :-)

At 1/09/2006 10:27:00 AM, Blogger Yabroud said...


At 1/09/2006 11:27:00 AM, Blogger Yabroud said...


At 1/09/2006 02:59:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

What is appening to the comment section?

At 1/09/2006 03:00:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...


At 1/09/2006 03:23:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

At Sunday, January 08, 2006, Vox Populi said...
"The Syrian regime has all the capabilities needed to commit the crime, but it lacked a motive, will and even the guts to do it."

How stupid can you get?

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ghassan said...
What Ilaf wants us to think of as a piece of objective , thorough and deep analysis is nothing more than the wailling of a confused individual who cannot come to terms with the potential fact that members of an institution that is close to his heart might be found guilty of a heinous crime. His protestations and logic remind me of the proud mother whose son was marching in a military parade and she nodges the spectator next to her and says:" Have you noticed that the whole regiment is out of step except my wonderful son Imad".

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ugarit said...
In May 2004 I read an Arab-American newspaper with Michel Aoun. I had picked the newspaper in Patterson NJ.

I remember one statement which Aoun made, to paraphrase ".. I will be back in Lebanon in the Spring of 2005 and the Syrians will be out.." at that time I scoffed at such an overly confident statement. Lo and behold Hariri was assassinated, the Syrians left and Aoun was back.

What a prediction and with such precision!

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ugarit said...
"In May 2004 I read an Arab-American newspaper with Michel Aoun. I had picked the newspaper in Patterson NJ.

should be

In May 2004 I read in an Arab-American newspaper an interview with Michel Aoun. I had picked the newspaper in Patterson NJ.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Metaz K. M. Aldendeshe said...
Don't want to really comment on the Hariri case, it could be an act of GOD, Who knows who did it!!! Let the investigators do the work. Strange, everyone wants the truth to come out, they keep interfering, staling and compromising the investigation and keep on blaming Syria. Why not stop all this political interferances and backdoor deals by the Bush adminstration, Bedouin in Arabia, African of Egypt, French scums and so on and so forth. Stop all medling and business deals and accusations and blaming Syria, then let the investigators do the work and reach the right conclusion. Otherwise, this is looking just like a pressure tools on Syria to strip Syrians from many rights among other damaging "things" for Syria people interests.

As to Tlass, have a lot to say but "no serious public comment on Syriacomment". He did buy the first and only artwork I sold in Syria at the local art gallery
back in late 60's, he was not yet a Defense minister, he was more more into wife swapping with the Raslan's.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Secular Syrian said...
With all due respect to Mr. Shami "ibn aile" EJ and his overly optimistic and unfortunately outdated view (since he has not lived in Syria for decades), I cannot see how any objective analysis of future scenarios of political change in Syria would not include some level of violence. Look at Iraq and Lebanon (speaking of mercantile societies). Violence is the m.o. in the region, sadly. With a huge mass of unemployed Syrians, political flux will create a ready group of foot soldiers with nothing else to do but be pawns in some ugly sectarian struggle.

I would agree that most Syrians do not wish violence. But the fact that 99 out of 100 would prefer not to create violence is irrelevant. The real question is, will those 99 stand up to the 1 out of 100 that will wreak havoc? When some small group of fanatics goes marauding around closing shops in the Azizieh, are the "merchant elites" going to step in to stop them, or just keep sipping arak and exchanging French pleasantries at Nadi Halab?

I wish I could say with confidence that EJ's vision is right, but objectivity and pragmatism forces any analyst to plan for less desirable scenarios.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ghassan said...
Mr. Aldendeshe seems to exhibit a very selective memory. He is absolutely right , and I am certain most if not all will agree with his call to await the final results of the investigations. What is wrong with his request/post is the fact that the only reason that this matter has dragged on for so long has been the Syrian regimes intransigence. They have repeatedly, and they are at it again, erected obstacles , refused to cooperate and continued using every possible opportunity to obstruct , delay and mislead.

I don't think that the request that we all should keep our powder dry is an unreasonable one but neither is the fact that we have the full right to expect full and unconditional cooperation regarding the investigative process. Let the games begin and let the chips fall where they may.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Vox Populi said...
After 40 years of Baath 'socialist' rule, is there anything close to a mercantile society in Syria ?(except in some delusional Itafi brain of course)

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ugarit said...
The mere fact that Hariri's assassination was elevated to international levels indicates that it really touched a nerve or was ment to touch a nerve. The quickness with which the US accused Syria is highly suspect.

How many other countries have had a UN resolution against them for an accusation of assassinating an indidvidual?

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Ghassan said...
Idaf does not know the history of the Baath Party. It was built on torture and assassination. Does Hama ring a bell?

How many Lebanese leaders were killed by the Syrian regime?

It is either you are blind or you are spreading Asad's propaganda.

Just ask yourself again, why the regime is not cooperating with the UN investigation? Why all the Intelligence files were burned?
Why there are conflicting testimonies?

Motive: control of Lebanon! The Syrians still think that Lebanon should be part of Syria (I heard almost the same thing from Saddam when he said that Kuwait is part of Iraq. Where is Saddam now?)

Dictators will never last forever! Murderers will face justice! And the Syrians will be liberated and will live in a country where they can choose (elect) their leaders and there will be checks and balances to prevent people from becoming billionars while the people are below poverty level!

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
It is disappointing to see someone of Dr. Landis’s intellect elevate a confused man like Idaf above. He is anything but concise. His thought process is convoluted. His conclusions are absurd. Clearly, Dr. Landis believes otherwise.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Syrian Republican Party said...

Mankind is a disappointing shit. Bush Administration is mostrousely disappointing. Allah-Mahatme Yehwe-whatever..Bozai..Quanza is the mother of all disappointment.

Thisnk about it. Which god do not disappoint you, which government do not disappoint you.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Hashem said...
That Joshua Landis wants to subject us to long, rambling, ridiculous opinions such as Idaf's is one thing. That Joshua Landis insists on "explaining" Syrian society to us is another. Please stop pretending you know anything about Syrian society, and stop writing things like "the Tlases have a firmer place in Damascene society than the Khaddams enjoy." What rubbish! Who do you know in Damascus? Obviously not the people who know.

If you have any idea of Mrs. Khaddam, or Oum Jamal's circle, you would know who is "number one" amongst the two - or compared to anyone. She has a position that Oum Firas never could dream of. Also, the Khaddam sons are married to an Atassi lady (Jihad) and a Kheirbeyk lady (Jamal) - two of the most well-known old families in Syria as well, certainly no lesser than Jabri. The Khaddam daughter was also married to a man from a respectable family but I can't remember the name right now, I'll post it when I do.

Tlas was never, ever respected by anyone in Syria, he is considered a clown, and neither was his wife. But Khaddam was respected (and feared) at one point, and his wife was without any doubt at the top of Damascus society. You never saw Oum Firas, just Oum Jamal. This is neither good or bad, but it's a fact.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
Hashem is absolutely correct. I was about to post very similar remarks before Hashem stole my thunder.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Metaz K. M. Aldendeshe said...
It makes no fucking defference. They are both Baathist and both are corrupt. They ceased my land and stole my livelyhood and that of my father in the name of Socialism and Arabism, all awhile they hoarded billions. I don't giva a damm what old families they or their sons married to, they owe me cash, or wait till the finish line. The more they got the better for the poor Syrians.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ActiveListener said...
I felt Idaf’s writing was worth reading and I am glad Dr Josh posted it.

This is what open thinking and free speech and freedom of publication is all about.

Idaf is sincere and struggling to sort it. He is an intelligent and articulate person. He is not trying to manipulate or push an agenda. Like many people it seems he does not know what to believe and is fighting for direction.

This is what good discussion groups are for. (As long as they don’t degenerate into conspiracy theories).

Personally, I think Idaf is wrong to assume the operators of the Syrian regime would not do these things because it makes no sense for them. What makes sense to them is revenge, rule of fear, mafia-style violence, indifference and gloating at the suffering of others.

If these guys had even a minimal capacity for reasoned decision-making, strategic forward planning, compromise and commonsense, Syria and Lebanon could both be enviable successful nations, not the mess they have made.

Like most criminals they are very stupid, spending much more effort and risk doing the wrong thing and losing than doing the right thing and winning. All they can think is to kill and terrorise anyone who threatens their income and “power”.

By any measure everywhere you look (economic, social, legal, international relations etc) and see a wrong way to do it or a right way, Asad and co have always chosen the wrong way. Look at how incompetently they have handled even their own personnel problems, Kanaan and Khaddam.

And stop looking at Bashar’s worried and indignant face, look at Shawkat’s iron grip at the back of his neck.

The Mehlis investigation is what we have this century, a different stage of civilization from the Asad regime. See how mainstream US media is currently revisiting whether Castro could have been involved in the Kennedy assassination. It would have been useful to have Mehlis at work back then.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
For those of you who are yet to see a picture of the infamous Rami Makhlouf, you can visit: Lots of juicy material besides the picture

At Monday, January 09, 2006, norman said...
Tlas and Khadam were window dressing fo Hafez Asad representing the sunni,both were corupt had no power, left to steal in return for their loyalties ,I can see from the writing how poor Syria,s politecal maturity is ,everybody talke about this family and that family, acheivers show their acheivments and are proud of them ,the people who acheive the least talk about their families,It is time for Syria to build an indivedual based sociaty were people are valued for what they do no were they come from or who are their family or what their religion is.the US can help Syria acheive that,i hope the US will find a peacfull way to do it.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, zadigvoltaire said...
Let us see, according to our Syrian Sherklock Holmes, if it is not the Syrian regime who killed PM Hariri, then it is either the Israelis or some ex-warlord in Lebanon.
Ghawar Holmes forgot that it could also be the Chinese who want to create instability in the region in order to distract the US from Taiwan, or it could even be the Klingons who are angry at the way they are depicted in Star Trek and had to create "creative" chaos in the Middle East so people forget Star Trek and remember Hariri.

Or it could be that the Syrian regime that was built on rivers of Syrian and Lebanese blood ordered the murder of PM Hariri and that it is trying to cover up its murderous tracks with idiotic fairytales that are spun over and over on this "I love Assad because he protects the Israeli occupation of the Golan as well as his father" blog.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
Both 'Active Listener', and 'Norman' brought great points.

I think it is time for Syrians to breath a different political air, and for the "socialist mafia" to be cleansed from the Syrian map. During their "socialist" regime, people got poorer, except for the members of the Mafia who got extremely rich. Their wealth should be returned to Syria.

I see that this whole affair of the Hariri killing was a fight between the Mafia in divding the shares of projects in Syria and Lebanon. Neither one of them was clean, and to me the problem is not the Mehlis Investigation or the killing of one of one person. Hariri is not the issue, but cleaning both Lebanon and Syria from Mafia rules is.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Idaf said...
Regarding ghassan's comment on the regime being "close to my heart". I'd say the following: I can claim that I'm trying to be objective in my analysis even when it is about a regime that imprisoned one of my family members for 12 years (as a political prisoner). Can you ghassan?

Unlike many of the people claiming to speak for the "poor and oppressed" Syrians, I do know first hand what a brutal regime is like, nonetheless I would not let my grievances be exploited by power-thirsty politicians, I refuse to be a victim manipulated by targeted media campaigns and insist on trying to make sense of what's happening on my own while looking at the whole picture not through the narrow lens of my own grievances.

I was expecting such criticism. I actually was counting on receiving them to expand my understanding of other people's views. It was the purpose of making them publicly. But regardless if you think that they were nonsense, "a conspiracy theory", an apology for tyranny or anything in between, you have to know that they do represent many Syrians' point of view on these events. Like it or not, not everybody in the world believe that Bashar ordered Hariri to be killed and this in no way indicates that these people support him or even like him. If you can't think outside the "you're either with us or against us" line of thought then I do feel sorry for you. It's not a black and white and it's not bi-polar. For many people it's just common sense.

AS for your questions Ghassan on "why the regime is not cooperating with the UN investigation? Why all the Intelligence files were burned?
Why there are conflicting testimonies?". I did answer these exact questions in my comment (have you read it in full?), but I'll repeat it anyway:

"WHY IS SYRIA THEN STALLING THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION IF IT HAS NOTHING TO HIDE? My view is that there are multiple reasons: There is the somewhat justified "preserving Syrian dignity" excuse (unfortunately it is something becoming obsolete by the day!). The second reason for "not cooperating" is the justified fears of infiltration and spying (does the word UNSCOM ring a bell?).
But the most important reason for the "slow" and "conflicting" Syrian cooperation would be because the Syrian regime does have a lot to hide, but it is not necessarily linked to the Hariri affaire. The Syrian regime (as almost every other political administration in the world) has a lot of "dirty laundry" that it does not want to be exposed. They are simply trying to hide stuff such as corruption, money laundering and other illegalities that were committed by the Syro-Lebanese mafias in Syria and Lebanon. Stuff that would definitely be exposed in any inquiry into Syrian Lebanese relations in the last 30 years. Any sane politician would want to hide such stuff from the public."

I hope you would be able to differentiate between someone trying to make sense of events and his own opinion on these events (interpretivism vs. positivism schools of thoughts?!). On that note, I've just read Josh's interview with the Dallas Morning News and I think it answers some questions on that matter. It is also a very good analysis of the people's view in Syria and the Middle East in general.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Innocent_Criminal said...
Here is an article/interview with josh.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Idaf said...

Very good.. thanks to your story we now have a more complete picture. As I mentioned earlier, Khaddam's thugs constitute just one of the mobs competing on the Syrian/Lebanese market. The Makhlouf's are the new kids on the block in Syria (they also have Lebanese business allies). As per your story, they do not have the ultimate power in Syria though, as Rami "got some heat" and settled for a Yacht instead of the 90% share!

This was not the case before 1998 when Khaddam's people (among other regime kids mafias) were enforcing a brutal siege on the Syrian economy (only Hariri was given an OK back then). This also does not change the fact that Al-Walid Bin Talal (Hariri's business rival in Lebanon) among other mega-investors, such as Emaar-5Bn$, Aref Group-4Bn$ and the latest 16 Bn$ deal currently being discussed in the parliament) were not allowed to enter the Syrian market until 2000 when Bashar came to power.

Saying that the economic investment atmosphere is improving in Syria does in any case mean that it is "good" and this in no way condones the existence of the Makhlouf's and other mafias in Syria and Lebanon.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

I read both of your letters to Josh, the present one, and the one that is posted on the other thread, and I congratulate you for style, language, logic, and content, but above all for being a truly factual and deeply interested in exposing the roots of the present impass in Syria and Lebanon.

Bashar had an instant new chance to prove to his people his inocense, and to clear his past, mainly in imprisonning the honourable Syrians in what was called the Damascus Spring. He should have released them immediately, but he didn't. He also did prevent the Attassi forum from resuming, yesterday. That tells me that it was and is always Bashar who is the real force in Syria and the dictator as Khadam said. There is no excuse for him any more, and he should bear the responsibility of all the injustices and crimes his regime is committing.

It is time to get rid of this family, and I hope the Syrians will not use thugs like Khadam when this is accomplished.

Thank you

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
What a shity logic and backward arguments this alterion is bringing. Enough please.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, KarimHalab said...
Regardless of all the disagreement with Idaf’s analysis, it cannot be disqualified automatically as some fellow posters have done above. One may not agree with his premises, but remember at the end of the day; politics is not an exact science, and we all know that only the winner write down history. All that is going on (even on this comment section) is nothing more than subjective interpretation of “reported events”. None of us was there to witness firsthand, it is all based on ones own judgment of things based on one’s experiences and views. Like his analysis or not is one thing, but he is correct is noting that to this day, nothing tangible (known to us as least) has linked Syria (or to be more precise the Syrian administration) to the Harriri and following killings.

My catch on Idaf, is that beyond Syria and Israel, all he did was list other potential candidates to the list of current crime perpetrators (Lebanese warlords and rival business mafias) but did not go into detail. Further analyzing these would have broadened the debate. Why does one not also look into the possibility of the US administration being behind all this? But, personally, I find a good deal of what Idaf said to be reflective of what many Syrians think and the questions they rightly raise.

I have a couple of notes regarding some the comments posted above.

Ghassan says: “The Syrians still think that Lebanon should be part of Syria (I heard almost the same thing from Saddam when he said that Kuwait is part of Iraq. Where is Saddam now?)”.

Sorry to disappoint you pal, but I still cannot recall anyone in Syria who ever mentioned this. (btw I am Syrian and living there and I interact with Syrians on a daily basis). Syrians do believe Lebanon is part of Greater Syria, yes, and this also includes Jordan and Palestine (or Israel if you prefer). But Greater Syria itself is only a romantic/nostalgic notion in the minds of the elderly generation. The younger ones could not careless about Lebanon being the 15th Mouhafaza or the independent country next door as long they get a chance to travel there visa free, study at good universities, and enjoy every other weekend a life style they don’t have back home. Believe me, with or without Syrian troops based in the country, this would have been the case. But I don’t think this is part of any long term plot to over take Lebanon, and certainly there is no basis for a comparison to Saddam/Kuwait. You should try interacting more with Syrians, you’ll see that they are not as evil as you are trying to suggest. True, they are governed by a people that who do not really represent what they majority resembles, but I would not want to believe either that the Lebanese political figures are a true mirror of the Lebanese people (kelna fil hawa sawa).

EJ mentioned some nice comments in his letter to Josh. As much as I would like to believe this as much as I’m afraid this comes from a different age. There is a greater retreat into religion nowadays.
However, the comforting thing, is that till now at least, the majority of Syria’s imams and religious leaders are not fanatics or hardheaded. There is no guarantee that this would remain the case during a transition period, but one can only hope that this would be factor in calming the spirits. A mercantile history would not do the job unfortunately.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
Of course, my true color shines always. I don't compromise with bull shit, mr. alterion.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
To those dancing of happiness over the "coming out" of Khadam, may I remind you that there is nothing that this thug has said to criticise the previous 30 years of his regime between 1970-2000?

Instead he praised himself and praised that era of oppression in Syria and Lebanon that was unparralleled in the history of mankind. This Khadam is criticising the last 5 years as "a deviation" of the "great" direction of the Hafez Assad policies. Damn him and his previous protector, Hafez Assad.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, adonis syria said...
Tlas has greater aristocratic pretensions....

The mythomaniac clown Tlass is a depraved drunkard without moral and his minister title was a farce..spending most of his time in Le meridien and Sheraton(forget his marriage with a jabri,most of low class baathists did the same).Tlass was implicated in syrian archaeological artefacts trading and in drugs traffic.

What are u trying to sell us Mr Landis ?

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

I understand you completely. I understand all of those Sunni so called Oppositions, and you are laughable. I laugh when you pretend to be opposing the regime to establish "democracy" and justice in place of it. Now, you have been exposed exactly when Khadam "came out". For thugs like Khadam were always not conedemned because - they are Sunnis -, and were excused for being " figure heads" in an "Alawi" regime. His crimes, or that of people like him, the ones who inflated the Assad family's egoes , including Rifaat shit that you unjustly claim that I support, were Sunnis, and that include Khadam, and your fucking "respectable" Islamist/Islamic sheiks such as Keftaros and Boutis, and Habash, and so on. and soo on... all of those shitty personalities did not do what they did out of fear, or anything else, for silence would have been excused, but they got benefits, and they got perks out for doing what they did...and yet, no one of you fucking Sunnis blame them, and no one of your fucking "democracts" did not have in the background or in the foreground of their head the willingness to bring them aboard once the "alawi" elements of this regime is ousted!

Now, the minute Khadam lost his perks and became out of the regime, decalring himself "democrat", and in opposition to an Alawi regime, you and your ilks welcomed him with open arms, and started to defend his thefts, and his crimes against humanity, and against Syria and Syrians.

Who is the sectarian then? The ones who stayed poor because they refused to get the perks and associate themselves with the Assad from day one of his coming to power, or those "figure heads" Sunnis that you and your ilks welcomed and are always ready to welcome, forgiving them 35 years of crimes and thefts and prestige they enjoyed during those 35 years? You are nothing but a dirty sectarian hating the Assads only because this shitty family is Alawi. But I must tell you that though I despise the Assads tremdously, I say they are men in comparison to the semi-men like Khadam, Tlas, and so on of those who kneeled before the force of the Assads and inflated their egoes during 35 years of lies. We all know how Hafez Assad was lured by the Sunni merchants before 1970, and how these merchants bought him to betray his friends and pushed him up front so they can benefit materially during those 35 years while no one points a finger at them because - they are Sunnis - and the regime is "alawi". These Alawis in the regime, served as guardians and protectors of the real Sunni thieves such as Khadam and Shehabi, and many many others...including the Bouti, your great Sheik.

No sir, I am never interested in perks, but you are , and you, Sunnis kneel and kiss the dick of an Alawi officer for perks, and pretend that you are forced to do so, and when you have the chance to rebel, you come back and claim honour, and dignity, and being a "democrat".


At Monday, January 09, 2006, Nafdik said...
I agree with JAM that the logic offered by Alterion regarding rank through marriage etc, is shitty.

Alterion, I suspect you are presenting this logic as a depiction of the common view in Syria rather than your own views.

Unfortunately for us this logic is still prevalent in our country, and even Josh seems to have had a mild case of infection where he seems very facinated by family links of this or that person, as if they are have geopolitical implications.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Nafdik said...
I think what we have here is a microcosm of what will happen to us post-Assad.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
Their leaders, you shit Aletrion?

It is your leaders. The Assads were your leaders, and never mine.

But cowards like you always hide behind the usual phrase : "Alawi" regime.

You shall always be a servant to an Alawi, whether the Assads or some one who will take Assads out. That is because you are coward. I and most Alawis never served the Assads, but you did, and Khadam did.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...

As you may recall, I did harshly criticize your write up earlier in this thread. My fellow commentators disagreed. My criticism may have sounded harsh indeed, and I regret that. I did read your piece again this morning, and I am sorry to tell you that I still do not agree neither with its premise nor with its conclusion. Before I elaborate, let me touch on the above discussion between you and one of my favorite commentators, Alterion.

You claim that Makhlouf is the new kid on the block and that they don’t have the ultimate power in Syria. You make it sound that Khaddam and Makhlouf are at the same level when it comes to corruption. Khaddam and others would sure like to. The fact is, however, that they did and do operate in a different league. Let me more blunt. The Makhlouf family is in charge of business for both the Makhlouf family AND the Assad family. Prior to Rami, it was Muhammed Makhlouf who was in charge. He did very well for the family (Assad-Makhlouf). His son Rami, however, took it to a different level. Makhlouf senior currently spends his Damascus days playing 4 hours of Golf. He is still the man to see though when you want an oil deal signed. Without Abu Rami’s commission you have no chance in hell of landing a single oil contract. Everything else, however, is now Rami’s to handle. With Basel out of the scene and Bashar busy being a President, this business genius is in charge of every single money making opportunity that the “family” might be interested in. While on the money trail, Tlas has made much more money than Khaddam thanks to all the army and logistics contracts that he was in charge of for close to 30 years. But make no mistake about it, no one has and no one will come close to what Makhlouf has been able to accomplish as the CEO of the family.

Idaf, you suggest that your views represent the majority Syrian youth, mothers and fathers. This is the one part I agree with you on. I have long argued that the Baath regime has done an outstanding job at brainwashing the minds of every Syrian citizen right from the moment of birth. I was part of the “youth” you refer to. I attended “Talaeea Al Baath”. I attended the summer military training camps immediately after school. I saluted the Baath flag every morning before I entered my classroom. I wore the stupid Para military ties and uniforms. My brain was genetically modified almost from birth. Syria was always “targeted” for its strong stand as the “beating heart of the Arab world”
Now that we discussed the youth, let us discuss their mothers and fathers. Throughout my life, we were taught not to say or utter anything political on the phone. Even today, I challenge a single one of us to call their parents at home and have an open conversation about politics. No wonder 50% of such conversations are spent asking about the weather at each end. When 20 million Syrian citizens are asked to express their opinion, Mr. Idaf, fully 99.99% of them find it an exercise of idiotic risk/reward to offer you anything but what you and Dr. Landis end up hearing from them. After all, they are not stupid. This brings me to my second point. The main premise of your write is that the Syrian regime could not be this stupid or suicidal to order the assassination of Hariri. You then use this logic to point the fingers at either Israel or some Lebanese warlords. Why Israel? According to you, because it has benefited the most and because they are most capable.
Sir, the very definition of incompetence is making decisions that turn out to benefit your enemies at your expense. Le t us make this easier to understand. Let us conduct an experiment where we hand a country like Syria to an insane, ignorant and totally inexperienced person who we randomly pick from the street. When a leader makes a “mistake”, he would by definition end up harming his nation and helping his enemies (otherwise it is not a mistake). If you keep our experimental President in power for 5-10 years, what should we all expect? Given that he was chosen precisely because he was disqualified for the job, logic would dictate that he would make more than average number of mistakes. In other words, he would end up helping his enemies at the expense of his country. In sum, when a leader is not qualified for the job, he will make the wrong decisions. When he makes those wrong decisions, his country will suffer and his enemies will benefit. Just because his enemies benefited by default does not mean that they made the decision in the first place. If it was Israel, why does the U.S. continue to push for the investigation to dig deeper? Why does the U.N. continue to extend the term of the investigations? I know what you think. Mehlis and the 100 other investigators work for the Mossad and all this is one big conspiracy to harm Syria and force a regime change.
The Israel CD plays in your head loud and clear. They try to kill Hamade as a try balloon. They “test” before they move to the “real” target. Shockingly, the Abu Addas tape proves this theory you claim. You then proceed to defend your thesis using typical Arab story telling that is long on intrigue but short on logic. You, however, imply that people who suspect Bashar and the regime lack “balance and deep analysis”. Months ago I asked why Bashar does not call the world’s media to Damascus or fly himself and his security suspects to any location the committee desires. Using Live Television, he ought to show how Israel committed his crime and offer minute-by-minute proof that his regime is innocent of the charge. Your main thesis is that the regime is not cooperating because of preserving dignity, fears of infiltration and spying and because the regime has a lot of dirty laundry that it does not want to be exposed. To suggest that the U.S., U.N. France or the committee does not know about this dirty laundry is absurd. If you, Alterion and I know about it, they know as much if not much more.

Idaf, I command you for attempting to defend the dignity of your country. But your write up cannot avoid the fact that you are asked to defend the indefensible. How can a regime be this stupid or ignorant? The simple answer is because it is. It has been on the premise that they are a regional power to reckon with. They thought of themselves as indispensable. They always had their way in Lebanon for 30 years and no one cared. Why would anyone question them now they must have wondered? To this regime, Lebanon and Syria can only have one boss. Hariri was slowly carving a bigger role for himself and this was a forbidden in Syria. Bashar’s ill-advised support of the Iraqi insurgency already made him a marked man in Washington. He simply could not read the changed atmosphere in Washington. This is a man who was shoved down the throats of 20 million people through a shameless Parliament. He has made one mistake after another culminating with assassinating Hariri. He knows it and the outside world knows it but his only hope is his 20 million subjects. Thus far, they have used the CD, the genetic programming of the Baath party, their fear of the known, their fear from speaking out and their pride to solidify ranks behind their embattled young President. My suspicion is that once the curtains come down on this regime, these very same people will breath a sigh of relief and tell you that they all knew all along that their regime was guilty.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
What IDAF has shown in his two long letters to Josh was to explain how this whole struggle and fight is really nothing more than about monsy and financial gains and influence. Neither side, the Hariri-Khadam-other, and the Assads-Makhloufs is really instrested in the Lebanese or Syrian freedom. That is what I got from his two pieces and that is how I see things.

The Mafia that has dominated Syria and Lebanon for 35 years at least has split now. To present one side as the democratic side is crazy and unfair. This is all about how to dominate either market, and this Rami Makhlouf, the new kid in the block was more aggressive with an insatiable appetite to crush all others for his financial empire. This is the new factor that caused the split in this Mafia of Hariri-Assad-Makhlouf-others. The fact is this Mafia that is split affects other Mafias around the world, mainly Saudi and others made the killing of Hariri much more important than he killings of thousands upon thousands of Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, and Lebanese throught the 35 years of the Assads rules.

Hariri was a thug as well. Now we know that he was bribing Khadam by the millions and palaces he bought for him. The culture of corruption is inherent in the Syrian-Lebanese traditions, it seems, and Hafez Assad took full advantage of it to govern.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, Innocent_Criminal said...

Very well written and i think many of us can relate to most of what you said. I have not made up my mind about whether Syria(ns) killed Hariri and I’ll wait for the final report (but i feel they did it more and more each day). But my main point that i would like to bring up is that just because you are right about the brainwashing, hariri, corruption etc. does NOT mean that there is no strategic plan/conspiracy to isolate and weaken syria by the west. i mean hey, that’s what enemies are suppose to do right? The Neo-cons of washington have been after damascus a couple of years before the hariri assasination. actually as early as 2002 when Bush started throwing Syria's name when it comes to the war on terror/iraq. i am still at work now and i cant go into details with this but i am sure that you know what i am talking about. and my point is that you and idaf have valid points and just because you can find flaws in his argument does not make some of his line of reasoning invalid and vice-versa of course.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, annie said...
Idaf said :
If it's not the Syrians then who was it and why?
The main suspects are: First.. Israel.

That was exactly my first take; now I would add, with may be the complicity of some totally corrupt Syrians who would even endanger their country for financial gain.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
Here is a new article by Ghassan Tweini. I love the Tweinis, and just look at how smart they are though his child was killed, I think by the Assads.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Vox Populi said...
JAM, it was a zionist plot.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Zionists are my cousins and I love them.

Hopefully they will destroy every thing that belongs to that shit Islamic so called nation.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Alterion said this:

""JAM, oh I don't have any illusion about your ability at giving filth a new dimension""

"" You took my bait like the little Pavlovian dog that you are, and showed your true color which I was talking about. ""

I hope Rifaat will continue to screw you and screw your Sunni connection. Rifaat was the tool used by your master Hafez Assad with whom you had made your associations prior to 1970 to defeat the real struggle for syria's land liberation, and your love of money manifested by your merchants who brought the Assads in. You keep barking and accusing me of supporting your filth, Rifaat Assad, and that is because you have absolutely no logical defense for your cowardice persoanlity along with all of these Sunnis who have been shouting "Alawi Regime" while stealing the country in the name of those Alawi servants of you in the Army and Mukhabarat who were protecting your thefts and your corruptions. You and them will be sent to the trash bins of history.

Come back and accuse me of belonging to the filth that brought you in from total destruction before 1970, and that was Rifaat and his filthy brother, Hafez. You are nothing but a dirty sectarian who can not see but Sunnis interests in his life.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, ugarit said...
The more I read you guys the more I see a massive bloodbath coming to Syria after the fall of the regime.

If B. Assad has any decency left he should start the transition by declining to run for re-election in 2007.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
You just used the word "dog", and the word "dumbass", and you claim to be unfilthy, and "civilized"/


What is the difference between Rifaat and Khadam?

I support none. You are evidently barking at the wrong tree. However you support Khadam, so tell me who is sectarian and who is not?

I knew you from your arguments about so called Damascene shit families, and the time where such "logic" has gone for no return. What is the difference between The Makhloufs and the "notable" families you listed (Sunnis)? I will tell you what the difference is:

- It is time.

for the so called "notable" Sunni families were older, and that is all. The Truks were giving titles and land, ect... to certain persons in their colonies, and among them were the "lucky" servants who got those titles back then, and time has erased where their money had come from, and where their prestige originated. However, the wealth or richness of the Assads and Makhloufs is recent, and we can see where that came from. In time, they will be "notable" and "honourable", but remember, they are all garbage.

Your Sectarianism is always understood. I know where you come from. You are just trash like many of those who shout : "Alawi Regime" while serving it and enjoying the perks.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
Ugarit said:

"The more I read you guys the more I see a massive bloodbath coming to Syria after the fall of the regime.

If B. Assad has any decency left he should start the transition by declining to run for re-election in 2007"

Be assured he never had it, and never will. He is the inheritor of what his father built. A system specifcally designed for the few.

And no, there will not be a blood bath after his departure for the ones who insist on this sectarian language are the primary Sunni benefeciaries of the regime, and the MBs, though the MBs have changed their tune, and sound more reasonable. I have confidence that the millions of the crushed Syrians will not take arms to fight for those filths and their interests. I am confident that most people are not sectarianists unlike our friend here, Alterion . The people like Alterion belong to the "notable" families Syrians wanted to finish off before Assad came to power. They will never have another chance.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...
Alterion was accurately describing some of the family connections in Damascus. Early on there were some people who were asking who Khaddam’s daughter was married to. I think he was merely answering that question. Alterion has always had intelligent things to say. Gentlemen, I think this entertaining dialogue should now be put to rest.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Yabroud said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Yabroud said...

We have seen your message posted few times now. Why are you repeating it?

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
This post has been removed by the author.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...
The real dumbass said this:

""I expected nothing less from someone who probably made a living writing reports about his friends. Or maybe he just did it to screw those snobbish""

How do you know mr. dumbass that I have written anything, any report? Where is your fucking proof? In your language one can see how a dirty sectarianist you are, and how stereotyping Alawis is one of your "best" arguments, and traits.

Syrians are not the few you are defending. Syrians will never allow such going back to the past. We look forward, and forward we shall march.

People who like you who use the above stereotyping language are bound to be left for the trash bins of history as I said earlier.

This language is the best you can come up with, and you have no idea who I am and how many in my family your Assad, your hero you attach to me destroyed, but you are a son of a bitch for sure, and no one feels inferior to your fucking pur Turkish blood. Your Othman empire has gone by, and you were only serrvants to the Othmans no more. Servants to the Turks, and for such a retarded Empire, no honour shall be bestowed upon you, fucking dumbass.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, Alterion said...

Not sure if I missed, but could you write up something about your trip to the homeland? I am sure it will be interesting to read.


At Monday, January 09, 2006, Syrian Republican Party said...
You all fucked up in the brain and other places. How this crap you are waisting your energy and time on is going to lead us all out of the misery?
How about you focus on teh enemy, the Baathists and those that support them in and out of the country. Most importantly, you are so pasionate about bringing freedom and democracy to Syria, why not focus on the plan and work toward it rather than infighting. Why not all of ya become supporter of SSPRS or some other group of your choosing and concentrate your effort on a plan, mot Alawites-Sunni-Christian and other secterianism that destroyed Lebanon and used very well by the Assad's to this very hour.

At Monday, January 09, 2006, EHSANI2 said...

My apologies. Silly computer mishap caused it.


I will do so. I may do so soon

At Monday, January 09, 2006, Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

Let's look at the argument, especially Alterion's repeated comment about accusing me of "writing reports", etc... and see wheere the garbage and the sick mentaqlity is inhabitting:

The Assads killed and imprisonned many many Alawis, and yet, I read in many places that these Alawis were "agents" of the regime, and even their deaths did not mean a thing to such people, for they remained in their eyes hidden agents, writing reports even from inside prisons, or giving up their lives when they were assassinated by the Assads for the hidden agenda of the Alawis. While repeating such accusations that they are proud of saying, they welcome the biggest of the Sunni thugs when he just criticised Bashar Assad, and did not even mention a word about the 30 previous regime. Right way, he is believed while enjoying the palace that he is speaking from, and which would have never belonged to him had he not been a member of the regime. Yet, because he is a Sunni, he is forgiven, and even excused, and people like Aref dalilah are considered as "hidden spies" in their cells writing reports about other prisoners and so on..

I say: Fuck Muslims eveyr where.

Fuck Islam and the Othman Empire which they praise all of the time. Turley, and despite its liberation by Ataturk from Islam and Islamist rules is still one of the most reatrded and backward countries the world over, even after many decades of its secularisation.

Fuck you Muslims.


At 1/10/2006 02:02:00 PM, Blogger annie said...

JAM is a self hating muslim; the muslims I have met so far were good people and often more tolerant than some of the christians.

an off topic news : I tried to use my, in Syria, useless skype and it works ! Is it a fluke or is it part of the liberalization ?

At 1/11/2006 03:18:00 PM, Blogger edrori said...

God save Assad!

If he falls, two things might happen:

A somewhat democratic pro-American regime will rise, and we'll have to give up the Golan.

Or, much more likely, a jihadist regime will bring the likes of Abu Mussab A-Zarquawi to our borders.

Eran Drori, Israel

At 1/13/2006 01:13:00 PM, Blogger Joseph ALi Mohammed said...

time out!


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